One of the basic kabblistic methods for meditation is through the use of the imagination, which works quite well for working with different forms of energies that are often used to give definition to characteristics of angels. There are thousands of such forms in Western tradition that cover a wide array of magical capabilities. Our focus is on the primary archangels that are commonly discussed in mystically oriented commentaries, practices and meditations. The book INVOKING ANGELS (SoundsTrue) has a CD included in an slide folder inside back cover.
1187 Archangel Meditation (Long Form) 13:53 mp3 free

This is the long form of one of the most commonly used meditations in traditionsl Judaosm that is said every evening as bedtime prayers. The short form can be heard on 1186. The book INVOKING ANGELS (SoundsTrue) includes a CD on which this and other chants are offered.
Angels and demons are like the forces of a magnet; they are invisible metaphysical energy bundles. Energy bundles associated with the God realms are called angels, and those with the satanic realms are called demons.
If we hold a magnet in one hand and iron filings in the other, we cannot see anything coming out of the magnet. But at the right distance, the iron filings literally seem to jump out of our hands towards the magnet.
Not long ago I heard from a dear friend whose son had been the victim of a freak accident. He had been hit in the back of the head by a golf ball. His recovery was not going well, and a blood clot in his brain was causing pressure that potentially could paralyze him for life, or worse. The boy had been in intensive care in a semi-comatose state for ten days when his mother and I first spoke. For some reason, he did not improve and his prognosis was not good. High risk surgery with possible brain damage was a fast approaching option that everyone wanted to avoid.
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